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How to Repair “ntldr is missing press ctrl alt del to restart” Error on Windows XP

This is box title

وصف الفيديو
This Video will show you how to repair your computer when you get the “ntldr is missing” error.
In order for you to continue with the fix you will need the Microsoft Windows installation disc with you

The commands that I have used in this video

copy [cddriveletter]:i386ntldr [OSdrive]:
copy D:i386ntldr C:

copy [cddriveletter]:i386ntdetect.com [OSdrive]:
copy D:i386ntdetect.com C:

Hope this video could help you in a sticky situation.

Best Regards,
(FIXMBR : http://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/fix-mbr-xp-vista/ )


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