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Metabolic Macro Playbook


Product Name: Metabolic Macro Playbook


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Metabolic Macro Playbook is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


…and keep it off for the long-haul even if you’ve never dieted or exercised a day in your life. Then read every word on this page…

Because you’re about to discover a one-of-a-kind solution to superhuman fat-loss that doesn’t ask you to jump through any hoops…

Plus, by following this high-powered metabolic formula you’ll unleash your most potent alpha hormones and feel stronger and younger than you have in years…

Regardless of your age, body type or lifestyle…

And according to a study recorded in the European Journal of Epidemiology…

And according to a study recorded in the European Journal of Epidemiology…

Hi. I’m Cameron Hall… Father, husband, certified Nutrition Coach, and founder of Fight The Dad Bod… a mission devoted to helping busy guys get in the best shape of your life.

Yet it wasn’t always this way…

In fact, a few years ago I felt like a complete failure…

Going through hell before discovering a secret weapon for men that will transform your body regardless of age or current physical shape…

And this method is so effective you won’t have to go to the gym or busy your schedule withexhausting exercise. 

See… In 2011 I was a happily married man and decently fit guy…

I’d workout 4-5 times a week and eat healthy.

My first child was born…

And while my daughter was a miracle… and becoming a father was the happiest day of my life…

I never imagined the dark alley it would take me down.Sure, I was getting less sleep and had more stress than usual. But that’s normal with any child.

However it was the emotional toll on my body that nearly ruined me…I went from Cam, “the fit guy” to Cam. Just…Cam.

After my daughter Maiya was born it was impossible to live the same lifestyle I had so easily in my 20’s.

And with every passing week I’d look in the mirror to see my body becoming more soft and  ‘squishy’. Plus I didn’t have the energy I used to… nor the motivation.

I felt like a circus clown juggling my priorities… and my fitness was the first to drop.

After a few short months of being a dad, I put on nearly 25 pounds of fat…

Sure, I was a father, husband, vice principal at a nice school… some would say I had a good life and shouldn’t complain…

My self-esteem hit rock bottom. I just wanted my body back and to feel strong and in control again…

So I tried every fad diet I could find…

I measured all my portions…

Pre-planned my meals for the week… labeling and sealing them in plastic storage containers.

And sure, I made some progress. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t. Yet it was painfully slow…

In fact, it took almost two years to lose all the weight I gained after our daughter was born. Which was okay at the time…

After all, I was always told ‘slow weight loss is sustainable weight loss…’

Which is why I was shocked when a year later, after having our second child…

This time dragging me further into a deeply devastating depression.

I felt like an insecure teenager again…

And for the first time in my life I questioned everything about fitness and nutrition. After all, none of it was working for me. I started to think a healthy life was reserved for younger guys with less responsibilities…

So I gave up. Because trying and failing again was just too painful…

I hated food. I hated my body. I hated th thoughts that ran through my head. It was like I had a little red devil sitting on my shoulder whispering:

“This is a part of life…every man has to give up his dream body at some point.”

“You can’t be healthy and a responsiple father and husband. One of them has to give…”

“You’re stuck in this body forever…there’s no hope.”

In all honesty, if the event wasn’t in a fun city like Las Vegas I likely would have stayed home…

Yet I felt burnt out and needed a break. Maybe I could purge away this depression with a few cocktails and a night at the casino. So I decided to tag along…

For most of the conference I sat in my chair, arms folded, jaded to the information they were preaching at me from the stage…

Yet just as we were about to leave…

Who just so happened to be a world-famous nutrition expert and best-selling author. 

Who introduced himself… looked me directly in the eye… and said, “Cam it’s time you turn things around for your health and for the health of other men.”

Mind you, I was in the worst shape of my life…

Yet he saw something in me. So he shared a very specific formula…

And I’ll show you exactly how I did it in just a moment. Yet…

An ectomorph is a typical skinny guy. The greatest challenge to ectomorphs is gaining weight.

However when you do pack on fat, it usually settles as a pot-belly and/or a pair of small but flabby man-boobs.

You’re an Ectomorph if your body is marked by:

An endomorph is the opposite of an ectomorph. You have a harder time keeping weight off than you do putting weight on. Your body is solid but also soft… When you lose a grip on your nutrition it isn’t long before your legs and butt get too big for your britches and you need to go up a pant size or two.

You’re an Endomorph if your body is marked by:

A mesomorph has large bone structure, muscles, and a naturally athletic physique. For the mesomorph, when nutrition goes south, you gain fat around your love handles and your muscles become soft, small and flabby, making your physique similar to a “has-been” athlete that’s “let himself go.

You’re a Mesomorph if your body is marked by:

You were born with a slower metabolism than the other guys whichmakes getting ripped more of a challenge for you. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t hopein your fat-loss journey… It just means that you need a simple meal plan geared directlytowards your body-type…

And through this personalized, high-powered fat-loss plan, you can sleep easy knowing thepounds are falling off around the clock…

No other diet plan taps into your DNA and utilizes your unique body type as a weapon againstfat…

Instead, they just IGNORE your distinct frame and say, “Eh, my thing worked for that guy so it’llprobably work for you…”

…scheming ways to make you a lifelong “customer” while causing an unhealthy, losing relationship with food…

And before you know it, you’ve stabbed yourself in the foot with the same tool they swore would make the fat disappear…

In the past, men would have scoffed at the idea of NOT eating breakfast…

But today, it seems like every diet under the sun requires us to renounce food for 16-20 hours a day…

Claiming that starvation is the master key to unlock major fat loss… But in reality, when you open the door, you’ll only find skeletons in their closet…

As starving yourself at any point in the day poses a major problem for men…

Because while you fast, you release a vicious stress-hormone into your bloodstream that wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels and tells your brain to backlog body fat rather than burn it, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [14].

This vicious hormone is known as cortisol – “testosterone’s kryptonite.”

And when it’s released into your bloodstream, cortisol instantly trashes your testosterone levels, wastes away vital anabolic hormones, and causes you to store body fat instead of burning it, according to a study conducted at Yale University [15].

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, discovered when you finally get to nibble on food after starving yourself, your blood glucose levels spike and your cortisol levels follow in-suit [16]…

Turning your body into a fat storing machine… But you don’t have to stay on this hormonal roller-coaster any longer…

But look – modern diets, especially intermittent fasting take your T-count for a spin…

Which is why you need to get off the loopty-loop, of intermittent fasting and hop on the fast-track to fat-loss…

By eating MORE OFTEN during the day, you’ll achieve seamless hormonal harmony, generatean electrifying dose of powerful fat-burning hormones, skyrocket your testosterone levelsand make pudginess a thing of the past [19].

Plus, by eating a “spot-on” balance of protein, fats and carbs with every meal, you’ll keep yourblood sugar levels steady and true while torching fat 24/7.

So if you want a turbulence-free flight to physique paradise, eat more and enjoy the ride…

Carbohydrates have been wrongfully accused of murdering impressive physiques everywhere… But in the meantime, suspect carbs are crying out, “I’m innocent I tell ya! Innocent!”

Yet, you’ll be surprised to find that cutting carbs from your diet is THE REAL enemy to your body… And even DEADLY…

A meta-analysis published in The Lancet, analyzed a group of over 400,000 participants and discovered that those who cut carbohydrates from their diet have a 20% higher risk of premature death [20]…

Because when you cut carbs – fruits, vegetables, potatoes, grains – you also cut out essential vitamins and nutrients that keep you healthy…

And that’s not all… Carbohydrates also increase your body’s “happy hormone” [21]…

Which tickles your mood, rouses you up for sex, and helps you sleep like a baby every night…

And the better you sleep, the more man-hormones your testosterone factory will churn out…leading to around the clock fat-burning and muscle-gain.

But by cutting carbs, you’re essentially “screwing yourself…” Turning out the lights on your“happy hormone” and shutting down the testosterone factory… Which seems a bit nutty,doesn’t it?

After all… You want to ditch your “Dad-Bod” so you can be happier and live longer, not getmoodier and die younger…

But the good news is you don’t have to fall victim to this disaster waiting to happen…

It seems like every modern diet pushes at least one macronutrient – protein, fats, carbs – off your plate…

But in reality, all 3 of them are menu “must-have’s” if you want to transform your physique…

You see, protein protects your blood sugar levels from peaks and valleys, satisfies your hunger, and kills cravings – all three of which keep extra calories out of your mouth.

Plus protein feeds your body with the building blocks of muscle – amino acids – that’ll add stacks of lean mass to your frame…

Next come carbohydrates, the energy epicenter for your nervous system, muscles, andmetabolism… And despite what the gym-rat says about how “bad” carbs are for you, theyactually promote fat loss rather than prohibit it…

In fact, a study published in Nutritional Journal, discovered that consuming carbs known as“resistant starches” increases fat oxidation in the body, singes off stubborn love handles, andkicks belly fat to the curb [22].

And by the way, if the gym rat wants to spew his no-carb nonsense at you again, just hit himwith the fact that the slimmest people in the world eat more carbs than fat or protein [23]. Ibet Mr. Atkins didn’t fill you in on that little tidbit when he stuffed his hands into your pocketsand helped himself to your hard-earned green…

And this is where fats fall in… Dietary fat is the lifeblood to your testosterone levels… Multiplestudies have shown that by eating more saturated and monounsaturated fat, you’ll pump yourbody with a surge of anabolic hormones that simply can’t be replicated with any other foodgroup… [24] [25]

And that’s not all… The bacon and eggs that the doc told you to stay away from actually containa payload of HDL cholesterol – a young form of testosterone – so you can cash-in and upgradeyour manliness on a daily basis…

Sounds a lot different from what you’ve been told, right?

Here’s the bottom line… If you don’t fuel your body with proteins, carbs, and fats, yourphysique will flatline without any hope of revival…

Commercial diets think of themselves as the sun in your orbit… Your entire existence revolves around them…

Worry about your diet day and night… Don’t even think about food until noon… Tally up how many “points” your dinner will “cost you”… Become the laughingstock of your neighborhoodwhen you make quinoa burgers instead of REAL hamburgers at the barbeque…

And to make matters worse, because of these tightrope diets, you develop an unhealthy body and an unhealthy mind… One that sees food as a lump of calories, a temptation, or worst of all, an enemy…


That’s no way A MAN should live his life…

And if your diet becomes your life, you may be well on your way to a straight-jacket, four padded walls and a psychiatrist because…

When researchers at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine recruited a large group of men to participate in a calorie-restrictive diet for several weeks, it was recorded that participants essentially “lost their minds” trying to stay on the dieting protocol they were subjected to – chewing up to 40 pieces of gum a day, secretly digging in garbage cans for food, and experiencing severe bouts of anxiety leading up to calorie restrictive weeks [26].

Don’t end up in a psychiatric ward… Instead…

Now, don’t get me wrong here…

If you want to dismantle your “Dad-Bod” from head to toe, you need to make your health a priority… But you sure as heck aren’t going to revolve your life around it…

And the good news is YOU DON’T HAVE TO…

With the simple fat-loss solution that I’m only moments away from disclosing, you won’t experience any cravings, depravity, or frustration…

Because each meal revolves around you… Not the other way around.

You’ll restore your metabolism with the vitality of your 20-year old self, while rejuvenating your most powerful male sex hormones and singeing off layers of stubborn body fat WITHOUT starving yourself, eliminating delicious foods from your diet, or wasting hours in the gym…

Whether you’re in your 30’s,40’s, 50’s or 60’s the Metabolic Macro Playbook is the “all-in-one” solution to replacing your “Dad-Bod” with a lean and ripped physique that’ll command respect, and win back your wife’s bedroom eyes…

The 3-Phase Plan to lose your bloat, melt your belly, and live life to the fullest in only a
few short weeks… At the end of each phase you’ll notice sensational results…

The scientifically proven special sequence of macros that’s uniquely designed for YOUR body type… Once you get YOUR macronutrient profile locked down, burning fat will be “easy as pie”…

The simple “feasting hack” that’ll permanently reprogram your metabolism… You’ll
laugh any time one of your buddies mentions the words “calorie restriction” or “diet”

Why maximizing one basic hormone will build muscle without you having to touch a
single dumbbell… Studies have shown that by increasing this high-powered anabolic
hormone you’ll skyrocket your natural ability to pack on lean slabs of muscle mass…
(it’s NOT testosterone)

The step-by-step guide to finding your personalized protein, fat and carbohydrate
balance so you can burn fat 24/7 while eating all of the foods you love every 3 hours… Combining your special sequence of macros into every meal will give you an uncanny
surge of energy and anabolic hormones for optimal fat loss…

Why every fad diet is a recipe for disaster… HINT: The Health and Fitness Industry loves “yo-yo dieters” and will do whatever it takes to keep simple, consistent, easy-to-follow eating habits off your radar so they can fill their pockets with more of YOUR hard-earned cash…

The toxic fat-storing hormone that takes over your DNA every time you get stressed
out… This vicious hormone is known as “testosterone’s kryptonite” and causes erectile
dysfunction, infertility, fat gain and mood swings in millions of men every year…

How to “sleep off” fat every night… By applying this simple pre-bed sleep formula you’ll rev-up your metabolism, skyrocket testosterone production and reset your hunger hormones by the time you drift off to la-la land…

How eating to achieve homeostasis will help you chisel out a Superhero physique faster
than the Hollywood actors who get ripped for the big screen… Your wife will gush at
the sight of your rock-hard abs and chiseled chest…

Why finding your “Personalized PFC” outranks every “fad diet”… This revolutionary
custom protocol will change the way you look at food forever…

The “Eating In 3’s” approach to obliterating stubborn body fat… Plus when you follow
this you’ll never be tempted by annoying cravings, experience hunger pangs, or get
“hangry” again…

5 daily “testosterone tactics” that’ll ignite and energize every fat-burning process in
your body…

The simple “Blood Sugar Stabilization Method” that torches stored body fat without
touching an ounce of muscle…

How to turn your fat-burning hormones on auto-pilot and bury your dad-bod in the
grave for good…

Why building muscle is the most important aspect of restructuring your metabolism…

How to build a physique that’s irresistible to the opposite sex, according to a
groundbreaking survey of thousands of women… HINT: It’s not the dad-bod…

The real reason why you have “man-boobs” and what to do about it… why you need
to eat MORE cholesterol every day… 5 activities that need to STAY OUT of the bedroom
if you ever want to sleep again… why ditching the dad-bod is critical to your
relationship with your kids, and much, MUCH more…

The pre-bed meal that’ll turn your bedroom into a firework show when you and your
wife turn out the lights… Plus the seductive spices you can dump on any food to
skyrocket your sex drive and sculpt a ripped set of abs…

When you’ve set your focus on finally ditching the “Dad-Bod” it doesn’t hurt to make sure youget started on the right foot…

The 7 Steps To Lose 7 Pounds FAST will help you achieve rapid results in only the first week of the 8-week Metabolic Macro Playbook program. This guide will provide you a complete, simple to follow system that’ll shrink your gut until it disappears…

No matter how big it is right now…

Inside The 7 Steps To Lose 7 Pounds Fast Bonus You’ll Discover:

The best way to build momentum going into a 24/7 fat-burning lifestyle is to get started… QUICK.

The Metabolic Macro Playbook Quick-Start Guide is the surefire resource for firing away at body fat from the get-go…

Inside The Metabolic Macro Playbook Quick-Start Guide You’ll Discover:

And as I’ve mentioned throughout this entire page… No other diet plan has the power to giveyou sustainable success and excitement for life like this one does…

Which is why I’m going to make this offer more affordable than a jug of whey protein…

Instead, I’m going to practically give this thing away…

But I Need To Warn You: Don’t mull it over for too long because if you wait until tomorrow you could miss out on this special 80% off discount and here’s why…

Anything less than that and I won’t only let you down, but I’ll also let myself down.

And I hope you can appreciate that… I want to devote my time and attention to helping you get THE BEST results from the Metabolic Macro Playbook in THE SHORTEST amount of time possible… So what are you waiting for?

Grab the Metabolic Macro Playbook and 2 FREE Bonuses while you still can for the 80% off discount…

Yes! I Want To Boost My Metabolism And Get Rid Of My Dad-Bod Today!

Ignite Your Metabolism, Shed Body Fat And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – GUARANTEED!

Price is listed in USD / American, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world.

The Metabolic Macro Playbook is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc. All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document.

This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.

Of course, don’t expect to fit into your pair of high-school jeans in just one day… Not even the world’s strongest steroid could make that kind of change. However, when you implement the methods I’ve given you in the Metabolic Macro Playbook combined with the 2 featured bonuses, you’ll be thrilled with the results, no matter your age or body-type.

Believe me when I say that I take your results very seriously and you have my personal promise that I will not rest until I’ve helped you achieve a strong, muscular and energetic physique. I believe in this program because I’ve experienced the life changing results for myself…

Which is why I’m going to give you my 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. I understand you’re a busy guy, so I wanted to give you a full 60-day to get started. And at any time, if you decide the Metabolic Macro Playbook hasn’t given you head-turning results, I’ll give you a full refund – Sound good?

Yes! I Want To Boost My Metabolism And Get Rid Of My Dad-Bod Today!

Ignite Your Metabolism, Shed Body Fat And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – GUARANTEED!

Price is listed in USD / American, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world.

The Metabolic Macro Playbook is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc. All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document.

This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.

Hoping that somehow, someway you’ll turn things around. You’ll walk slowly down that road knowing deep inside that you chose a long road of uncertainty – you don’t even know if it’ll take you to your desired destination of building a ripped and strong physique that you can thrive in every area of life with…

You’ll stumble across some fad diet that make plenty of promises but can’t deliver on them. Or maybe you’ll go back to a diet you’ve tried before, only this time you’ll promise to “stick to it”… and I pray this time you do. Seriously, I want you to get the healthy and ripped body you deserve even if it means not using the proven methods I’ve shared with you today…

Hoping that somehow, someway you’ll turn things around. You’ll walk slowly down that road knowing deep inside that you chose a long road of uncertainty – you don’t even know if it’ll take you to your desired destination of building a ripped and strong physique that you can thrive in every area of life with…

You’ll stumble across some fad diet that make plenty of promises but can’t deliver on them. Or maybe you’ll go back to a diet you’ve tried before, only this time you’ll promise to “stick to it”… and I pray this time you do. Seriously, I want you to get the healthy and ripped body youdeserve even if it means not using the proven methods I’ve shared with you today…

You can say, “Eh, seems easy enough. I’ll figure it out.” And honestly, I wouldn’t be bitter about it in the least bit… Because I want you to experience the same kind of life transformation I did whenI adopted this very program for myself…

However, let me be honest about why you should hesitate on this option…

The sad truth is 9 out of 10 men who read this page will attempt to “figure it out” on their own. And they may get some results… But they won’t get the best and fastest results. Why…

Yes! I Want To Boost My Metabolism And Get Rid Of My Dad-Bod Today!

Ignite Your Metabolism, Shed Body Fat And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – GUARANTEED!

Price is listed in USD / American, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world.

The Metabolic Macro Playbook is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc. All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document.

This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.

P.S. To transform your life by taking your body back click or tap here to get started. I’ve made the entire program simple to follow. In it, I’ve given you everything you need to get your best body, plus 24/7 access to my personal email and new connections with other men just like you are going through the very same transformation you’re about to go through. The kind of camaraderie you’ll experience is unparalleled. Click the “Add To Cart” button above now and you’ll instantly be on your way to a sure, stunning and sustainable transformation.

P.P.S. Don’t forget, you have nothing to lose when you take action and pick up the Metabolic Macro Playbook TODAY. Remember, you’re backed up and protected by my 60-day unconditional 100% money back triple guarantee. Go through the program for the next 60 days and just give me your best. That’s all I ask.

Yes. The Metabolic Macro Playbook is a solution for men of all ages, ranging from 20-70 yearsold. The focus of the program is to establish blood sugar and hormonal balance for optimal fat-burning and muscle-building results 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Both of these factors areachieved through the personalized plans laid out for you in The Playbook. As a result, any manat any age will notice major, life-changing benefits because, with compliance to the program,

you won’t become subject to spike and crashes in blood sugar levels, or in your hormones.Consistency over time will force results… So what are you waiting for? There’s no better time tostart than right now…

I’d like to say that this program is for everyone. But the truth is, it’s not. Just because ThePlaybook is the most simple and sustainable diet protocol on the planet, doesn’t mean that youcan go at it half-way and still see great results. If you’re not willing to give it your best shot, theMetabolic Macro Playbook is not for you. But listen, maybe you’ve had a hard time following afat-loss program in the past. Don’t let that stop you from giving this one a try. I want you toknow that I’ve specifically designed The Playbook to be straightforward and satisfying so thatyou won’t even feel like you’re on a diet. It’ll easily fall into your current routine… All you haveto do is click “Add To Life,” I mean, “Add To Cart.”

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price of

Yes! I Want To Boost My Metabolism And Get Rid Of My Dad-Bod Today!

Ignite Your Metabolism, Shed Body Fat And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back – GUARANTEED!

Price is listed in USD / American, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world.

The Metabolic Macro Playbook is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc. All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document.

This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Metabolic Macro Playbook products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similarresults.ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.If you have any questions or concerns regarding your product or download please email me personally and I will get back to you within 24 HOURS, your feedback is extremely important to me and I would be happy to help you!cam@fightthedadbod.ca

Developed by Rocket Funnels


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Metabolic Macro Playbook is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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