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Old School Body Hacks


Product Name: Old School Body Hacks


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Old School Body Hacks is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From: John Rowley, Personal Trainer

What’s interesting is medical science has proved normal aging actually causes these tiny internal clocks to speed up12. Once you hit a certain age, THEY ACCELERATE. You’re actually getting older faster and faster, day by day and month by month.

You’ve probably experienced this yourself at some point.

As you get older, you may have noticed…

“What the heck is going on?” you may ask yourself.

Could be. Could be, even if you think you’re doing everything right.

Left unchecked, this is what we all can anticipate.

Hi my name’s John Rowley.  Perhaps you’ve heard of me.

I’m a celebrity nutrition, personal trainer and fitness expert, best selling author and popular TV personality.

They call me “old school” for good reason.

Mine was the Brooklyn-based gym that gained international fame and attention when it was featured in the movie Pumping Iron, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno back in the 80’s.

So when it comes to knowing what it takes to sculpt lean, strong bodies, let’s just say I know what I’m talking about.

However, to be totally candid with you, I haven’t been totally healthy, I haven’t been totally fit throughout my career.

Nowhere near. I made a crucial mistake… one you can learn from today.

Assuming you learn from my mistake, I can promise you…

Let’s be clear, today I have all those things and more. And I want you to have them, too.

If you’ve ever wondered how ageless movie stars and celebrities such as…

…are able to stay so vibrant and youthful, defying the laws of aging, then read on.

You’re about to discover the secrets ONLY A SELECT FEW in the fitness community know.

My story is pretty simple. I’ve been involved with health, fitness and nutrition all my adult life.

I’ve coached and trained people you would know very well, including other popular Internet personal trainers.

However, and it’s a BIG however.

There was a time… ok, I admit it… when I was overweight. Fat. Call it whatever you want, but let’s just say I was not in the best of shape.

And for the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out.

I mean, I was 40 at the time and I had an inner tube around me that wouldn’t budge. No matter what I did.

As a celebrity fitness trainer, it was incredibly embarrassing. I tried everything to reverse the process.

Searching for answers, I started poring over medical journals. Fortunately, I tripped over a major gem of an insight in one journal called Metabolism.

It discussed in precise scientific detail HOW a person’s metabolism naturally slows down at the age of 3515.

I can’t tell you how many times I read that article—because it contained the secrets I’m about to share with you.

Now for you to appreciate what I am about to reveal, you should understand what your metabolism is and what it does.

Most people don’t understand metabolism. It’s ok, I didn’t either, until I went on my quest to solve my problem.

So for you to get the greatest benefit out of what I have to share with you next, you need to understand what metabolism is.

Your body’s energy is created in little cellular power plants called mitochondria.

This energy, called ATP, is used for all sorts of functions in your body. Everything from muscle activation to thinking to healing.

Now, when you’re a child, your body is bursting with mitochondria. I’m sure you’ve been amazed at kids’ energy. They’re bouncing off the walls, aren’t they?

Yet here’s what happened to me and it’s probably why you’re looking for answers as well.

Sometime in your mid-thirties your body goes through a change. A shift. Your metabolism starts slowing down.

Your body starts producing LESS ENERGY.

You’re biologically getting older. (But as you’ll discover, you don’t have to look it.) There are 3 reasons…

1You’re not creating new mitochondria efficiently…

2They’re not generating as much energy as they used to…

3Your mitochondria actually start dying off quicker…

That makes living difficult for your body. A struggle. (Now you know why you may be tired all the time.)

Don’t worry. It’s NOT your fault, but there IS something you can do about it…

Now, here’s what was happening to me. I was exercising like I did in my twenties.

You have to understand, I was crushing it in my 20’s and well into my 30’s. However…

As I hit my late 30s, I started to gain weight. Not a lot at first, just enough to notice. I started getting what I call “thicker.”

I also started to get tired much more easily.

Nothing at first. I figured it was just a phase my body was going through. Thought I’d snap out of it if I kept training as I was used to.

Then one day, I looked in the mirror and it was clear to me.

As I stared at my belly, I got pi**ed off. “Now things are getting out of hand.” I thought to myself.

So what did I do? I trained harder and harder. And longer and longer.

More and more crunches. Something’s gotta give. Right….?

Now when I looked in the mirror I was thinking…

You need to know I’m embarrassed writing that. But it’s true.

I was dead tired most of the time. Instead of building lean muscle like I used to, I looked big and FAT… and sweaty.

“Portly” is the word they use. (“Fatass” is the word I used when I looked the mirror.)

I was stumped. It was a mystery to me…

Work out and you get fat. Don’t work out and you get even fatter.

For a while I thought I had some sort of disease. I thought I had some sort of thyroid or liver condition. I had all sorts of tests done. Read all sorts of medical journals.

I was a maniac on a mission.

At that point in my journey, three things became crystal clear:

I believe (and my later results validated) my metabolism… my mitochondria held the key to looking and feeling like I had in my 20s.

And as you’ll soon discover, they hold the keys for you, too.

Amazingly, inside each of our mitochondria are little clocks that can be speeded up… and even slowed down!12

Now here’s what’s fascinating…

Do you know the most effective way to
adjust your internal clocks in your mitochondria?

There are lots of ways actually, like caffeine and other stimulants.  Even prescribed drugs can speed up your thyroid.

But the most effective and ultimately, healthy way?

Answer: Amazingly, WORKING OUT is absolutely the fastest, most effective way to controlling your body’s internal clocks.

Working out is the key to slowing aging as well as combatting all the maladies of middle age—BUT you have to do it right.

NOT working out like you did in your 20s and early 30s.

If you work out like that? You’ll do what I did: “get thicker.” Plus eventually you’ll add tons of extra “padding” on your belly, butt and thighs.

Maybe you’ve already experienced this.

Their once intimidating muscle has been replaced with flab. They don’t know how to work out—even though they may be spending hours a week in the gym! They’re still working out like they were 21!

Instead, what you need is to train with a focus on adjusting your internal clocks THE RIGHT WAY.

Trust me, it may not make sense right now, but it will.

When you do it right, you’re focusing on the cause (your mitochondria and energy production) and NOT the symptom (your fat.)

I started testing and experimenting. A man on a mission. Newfound drive and ambition.

I was committed to coming up with an all-around “recipe” for getting your body and your youth back. One anybody over 35 could use .

I was a sponge for all things related to controlling your metabolism.

I kept eating diaries, I kept workout logs. I kept adjusting, measuring and documenting.

Packed full of short, snappy little body hacks you can put to work in JUST MINUTES each week.

Old School Body Hacks™  pours everything I’ve learned about burning fat, boosting energy and slowing aging from a life spent training and coaching celebrities and regular, hard working people just like you.

“As a busy mom, business owner and fitness professional time is very valuable to me. I’ve been training the “old school” way for decades. I am so thrilled that John finally came out with this program. It takes away all the fluff and what is left will get you into top shape in a minimal amount of time. It is really the foundational concepts that should be the focus and John has captured this in an easy to follow way.”

Kim Shackleford, NTP, CGP, RWP

As a full time marketing executive, mom and soon to be grandmother time is of a premium and taking care of my health and fitness is extremely important to me. I’ve been doing Pilates workouts for over 20 years and love everything about it! In fact I am a Pilates coach and simply can’t get enough.

But with Old School Body Hacks I was able to target certain muscles in an extremely efficient way and boy oh boy did I ever hit those muscles and two days later could barely walk. John’s workouts took YEARS off the way I look!

Jill Grainer, Mom, marketing executive, Pilates instructor

As a wife, mom and business owner I have little time to waste, which is why I started the Old School Body Hacks program. I got it to save time but it has really saved my sanity. I have gotten into the best shape of my life in a minimum amount of time.

Kristi Frank, star of Donald Trump’s Apprentice, as seen on Oprah.

Unlike so many other fat-burning programs, with Old School Body Hacks™  you get bite-size techniques that just plain WORK. That means…

If you’ve seen any of my other bestselling books, you know my style. Straight to the point. No fluff. And packed full of real life results from real people.

Because what you’re about discover is so fast, so easy, yet so unconventional you’re going to wish you knew about this years ago.

Plus, you’ll feel the benefit of a lasting post-workout “after effect” that burns fat even while you’re kicking back in front of the TV. However…

Nothing bothers me more than seeing so-called fitness professionals proclaiming THEIR way is the ONLY way.

Look. Old School Body Hacks™ is YOUR program and it can be customized to suit you. No matter if…

See, I believe it’s vitally important you enjoy your time body-hacking the old school way. Otherwise you’re just not going to see results.

However, people still ask me which workout is the best. And because of that I’ve included something that will stop middle-age bloat dead in its tracks:

It’s yours FREE as part of the system.

Old School Body Hacks™ turbocharges the fat-burning HORMONAL aspects of your metabolism for long term fat loss after your workout ends. Not just burning calories the short time you’re working out.

After each results-based, 10-minute Old School Body Hacks™ session…

So, how is all this possible?

There are 3 simple, straightforward keys to Old School Body Hacks™:

The breakthrough idea is to burn exclusively sugar during your quick 15-minute workout. Then for up to 72 hours afterwards, you’re effortlessly burning FAT for calories!

Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any program that can give me all of THAT would cost an arm and a leg”…

And, in all honesty? It really should…

After all, my methodology has already helped THOUSANDS of People over Age 35 achieve their dream body faster and easier than ever. YET:

And it’s a screaming bargain at that price. Especially when you don’t “just” get the core program…

Because just for reading this far, I’m going to also include 3 kick-butt bonuses free of charge, helping you get that attractive, youthful body shape even faster:

The fact is, I look and feel better now in my mid 50’s than I did in my 30’s.

And one of the reasons for that is because I’m not just a student of fitness… but a guinea pig.

And what you’ll find among these 24 Hacks That Stand the Test Of Time is PROOF of just that.

These hacks have been handed down through generations. They are proven and tested to work time and time again.

These 24 super-simple strategies are divided into 3 categories….

…. and they are the foundation of every program I put together.

As you move forward, as you strip away stubborn fat and replace it with lean, strong muscle, I strongly suggest you implement them into your workouts too.

This is my secret sauce. If I had to give you ONE thing that would make the difference to success in ANY area, it would be this simple method I’ve perfected over the last few years.

But I’m also throwing in something Old School Body Hacks™ members have been demanding for a long time.

And it’s yours FREE when you enroll in the program…

Remember, you already get what I think i THE BEST workout in The Old School New Body core program. However…

Every year or so I test out new workouts and these are the cream of the crop. Working out is a personal thing and that’s why I wanted to include a variety of routines for you. All 20 minutes, all fat-burning, youth-enhancing powerhouses…

… and all FREE when you claim your copy of Old School Body Hacks™  today.

Right now, I’m building a huge tribe of like-minded Old School Body Hacks™ members dedicated to slowing aging… regaining the energy, the body, the appearance of your youth.

That’s a kickass, worthy goal, don’t you think? I want to help you, like I wish to God someone would have helped me when I needed it.

So I’m not going even going to try to get rich off this. It’s just my way of giving back and wanting to help people who are going through perhaps what I went through.

Maybe a little less, maybe a little more.

Your total investment today, including the Old School Body Hacks™ program, PLUS all the bonuses I’ve described is the price you see below…

Click on the button below to lock in this price today:

Sorry the timer expired, please see full price here

You just have to promise me one thing…

The only thing I want is when you see results, when you start to see lean, sexy muscle, when people notice your new, more youthful appearance…

Shoot me an email and a picture, ok?

That’s what’ll keep me inspired to give more…

That’s what keeps me adding and improving and upgrading the system for you and all the other Old School Body Hacks™ members…

And the cool part is… you don’t even have to decide right now…

Try it all out for 2 full months. WATCH the weight fly off and your lean and sculpted body reveal itself…

And only THEN decide if you want to keep the program…

And if you don’t? Not a problem. Just drop me a line for a full, no hassles refund…

There’s zero risk for you today when you hit the button below…

Go ahead and click the button below now!

Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.

You do know where that leads to, right?

Honestly, I don’t even want to speak it, lest put that out in the universe.

Let’s just say it’s NOT what I want for you and truth be told, I don’t think it’s not what you want either.

I want you to have… and you know by now you DESERVE… that lean, fit, healthy body.

A body you can be proud of—a look that turns heads so fast, they’re gonna get WHIPLASH!

Just listen to what Shari said about the Old School Body Hacks™…

“Old School Body Hacks has kind of given me a second lease on life. I’m a 47 year old wife and mom and amazed at how terrific life is!”

And Mitch Meyer had this to say…

“When your doctor asks what are you doing to stay in shape, you know you’re doing something right, especially at 66 years old.”

Take a look at the results men and women are enjoying inside the Old School Body Hacks community (now you can join them)…

Now you can see the same, if not better results…

For INSTANT ACCESS to everything, Click on the button below… You’ll be granted immediate access to everything:

Remember, I don’t know what your particular situation is. But my educated guess is you’ve been struggling with your metabolism, getting your body back, your life back, for FAR too long…

I know what it feels like. Frustration. Resentment. Anger.

You feel like hitting something, don’t you?

It feels like life is slipping away.

Out in public, you hide it. The low self-confidence keeps you from fully living.

You don’t take chances. You play it safe.

But if you can get a big win? With something that’s totally in your power to change?

You’re golden. You’re on your way.

You’d be amazed at what changing your body can do for you.

Click below and choose the metabolism-surging, fat-burning principles inside the Old School Body Hacks™ program and experience what it’s like to be in control again.

I felt it. I experienced it. YOU CAN TOO! Tons of other guys and girls who invest in Old School Body Hacks™ have.

Now, you’re living the confident lifestyle you always wanted… and enjoying every second of it…

And you’ve regained that tight, lean, strong, sexy body you deserve.

Today is your day to CLAIM your power and take control:

You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO in order to see REAL fat loss results with a unique program that JUST PLAIN WORKS!

Here’s the GOOD NEWS: unlike all those pathetic weight loss gimmicks you see out there, I’m personally guaranteeing this will work for you.

You have 60 full days, that’s two solid months to try Old School Body Hacks™ ON ME – risk-free – and if you’re not looking totally hot… if you’re not totally blown away by how quickly the fat melts away from your body leaving the lean, toned body underneath…

Remember, having a healthy, fit, lean kickass body doesn’t just reward you physically…

Once you’ve transformed your body, what happens to you on a mental, emotional, social and even spiritual level is even MORE Exciting! You’ll:

And re-ignite your passion for LIFE!

Listen, I couldn’t say it if it didn’t happen to me.

But I did. That’s what this program did for me.

I got my life back and more. And that’s what it can do for you.

If you want to change your body, if you want to change your life, 20 measly minutes a 2 to 3 times a week isn’t much of a commitment at all to make it happen, is it?

It ain’t hard, it doesn’t take long, but the results can be truly amazing.

With the body of a 20 year old and the mind of someone with a lifetime of experience… there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.

Take it from someone who knows.

Join me and thousands of others, by hitting the button below right now, and let’s get you started today!


John Rowley, Personal Trainer

P.S. Old School Body Hacks™ is perfect for those who: have demanding jobs; have to juggle work, family time and personal time; have jam-packed schedules; don’t have time to go to the gym; feel uncomfortable working out at the gym; or just want to see results fast!

13. Schuenke, et. al. Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post‐exercise oxygen consumption: Implicationsfor body mass management European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2002;86:411‐417.

14. Schuenke, et. al. Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post‐exercise oxygen consumption: Implicationsfor body mass management European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2002;86:411‐417.

15. Tremblay, et. al. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabolism. 1994;43:814‐818

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Old School Body Hacks is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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