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Olive Lesson 1 – Intro to Olive Tutorial Series

Olive Lesson 1 - Intro to Olive Tutorial Series

وصف الفيديو
Olive Video Editor is professional, free / open source video editing software for Windows, Linux and Mac. Its comparable in tools and features to Adobe Premiere.

Learn more about Olive and find download links here:

If you find Olive valuable, or if you’d like to support the development of new tools and features for Olive, have a look at their Patreon page:

This channel, TJFREE, strives to provide accurate information for people looking for free alternatives to proprietary and paid software.

All of the programs recommend here are free to download and use, and most are Free Open Source Software (FOSS).

These are genuinely free/libre programs who’s creators (in many cases) have chosen to donate their time and ideas in order to create awesome and useful tools for everyone to use. If you find their software useful, please consider donating on their official website(s).

Discover more great, free software here:



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